
Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the magnificent traditional cultures in China, this book first derives from the connection between traditional culture and traditional Chinese medicine culture, summarizes the characteristics and values of traditional Chinese medicine culture, briefly expounds the philosophical view of traditional Chinese medicine, deeply analyzes the human structure model of traditional Chinese medicine, and discusses the mental health concept of traditional Chinese medicine in modern society, systematically summarizes the diagnosis and treatment mode of traditional Chinese medicine from three aspects: diagnosis, medicine and food, and external treatment, and explains in detail the medical ethics culture, health preservation culture and aromatherapy culture of traditional Chinese medicine, so that readers can have a corresponding understanding of traditional Chinese medicine culture. Finally, this book reviews the process of collision and integration of the development of Chinese and Western medicine, summarizes the achievements and influences of Chinese medicine, and puts forward relevant solutions to the current situation of Chinese medicine, aiming to further develop and inherit the culture of Chinese medicine.


Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1

1. Traditional Chinese Culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture ............................ 1 

2. Characteristics and Contemporary Value of Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture .......... 6

Chapter 1 Basic Philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine .........................................13 

1. Outlook on Life ..................................................................................................................13

2. Health Preservation Concept..............................................................................................19

3. View of Disease ................................................................................................................. 23

Chapter 2 Body Structure of Traditional Chinese Medicine ............................................29

1. Dichotomy Model.............................................................................................................. 29 

2. Five-section Method .......................................................................................................... 38

3. Octave Method ...................................................................................................................45

4. Meridians and Acupoints................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 3 Psychological Health Concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine ...................62 

1. Naturalist View of Health .................................................................................................. 64

2. Focuses on "Harmony" ...................................................................................................... 70

3. "Fostering" ......................................................................................................................... 83

Chapter 4 TCM Diagnosis and Treatment Mode ............................................................ 104 

1. Diagnosis......................................................................................................................... 104

2. Medicine and Food .......................................................................................................... 110 

3. External Treatment...........................................................................................................124

Chapter 5 Moral Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors.............................135

1. "Learning" and Traditional Chinese Medicine ................................................................ 135

2. "Compassion" and Traditional Chinese Medicine ...........................................................143

3. "Baopu" and Traditional Chinese Medicine .................................................................... 149

Chapter 6 Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine .......................................................157

1. Diet Regimen ................................................................................................................... 157 

2. Living and Health Preservation ....................................................................................... 167

3. Seasonal Health Preservation ...........................................................................................173

Chapter 7 Aromatherapy Culture of Traditional Chinese Medicine ............................ 183

1. Principle and Effect of Incense Treatment.......................................................................183

2. Extraction and Preparation of Essential Oil for Fragrance Treatment.............................188 

3. Application of Incense Therapy in Clinical Chinese Medicine .......................................194

Chapter 8 The Collision and Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine ...............199

1. Collision and Selection between Chinese and Western Doctors..................................... 200

2. Combination of Chinese and Western Culture ................................................................ 209

3. Reform, Innovation and Diversified Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine .....220



Yu Jing, Professor and master supervisor, School of Humanities, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Research interests: TCM cultural communication, TCM translation. Director of the Cultural Communication Research Center of Chinese Medicine, World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Executive Director and deputy Secretary- General of Translation Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Vice President of Jiangxi Foreign Language Association. He presided over 12 provincial and ministerial education reform projects, quality courses and quality engineering construction projects, and won the first prize of provincial teaching Achievement Award. Three schoollevel teaching achievement awards (all for the first student to complete). He has edited six textbooks and published more than 10 research papers on education reform.


CIP Data Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Health Research /Author - Jing Yu.

--Universe Scientific Publishing 2023.4. ISBN: 978-981-5092-13-4

Ⅰ. Traditional…Ⅱ. Yu… Ⅲ. English-Medicine-TCM IV. R228 Library CIP Data Validation (2023) NO.

Title Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Health Research 

Responsible editor Xiu Yang 

Cover designer Shan Yu

Social Published by Universe Scientific 


Postal code 534818

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Format 188×265 ∕ 16

Print 15

Number of words 570,000 words

Edition 2023.4.

 First edition Printing 2023.4. For the first time

ISBN 978-981-5092-13-4

Pricing S$39.80

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