What should the country do for poor areas?

The Town of Poultney is pleased to announce that they have established a new Economic Development Office located in the historic Stonebridge Inn at 66 Beaman Street. The town has taken a team approach to staffing the newly created office. Sarah Pelkey has been hired to serve as a part-time Economic Development Coordinator, and the planning firm of JC Consulting Enterprises, Inc. of Tequesta, FL, led by President Cecelia Ward, has been retained to provide consulting services related to the town's revitalization initiatives and economic development goals.

The Economic Development Team will address a diverse array of tasks including interacting with and supporting the Poultney business community, conducting surveys, maintaining a database of financial assistance opportunities and grant programs, grant writing, assessing zoning regulations, representing the town at local, state and regional meetings, coordinating with town boards and commissions, providing support for development of vacant or underutilized commercial properties, recommending infrastructure improvements, and serving as a town liaison for developments related to the former Green Mountain college campus.



National policies can promote regional economic development. 

The economic and social development of frontier ethnic areas is relatively lagging. Poor natural resources, weak industrial development foundation and conflict of ethnic cultures, multiple causes lead to the slow population income growth and multidimensional issues in housing, education, and health. In recent years, the issue of targeted financial poverty alleviation in frontier ethnic regions has become a focus of social attention. However, subject to the actual situation, financial services remain at a low-level and single basic stage.

The journal Finance and Market published a study by Jicheng Liu and Cuibai Yang on this problem. This article first underlined the significance of precision poverty alleviation, then proposed several measures to advance it in accordance with the actual characteristics of frontier ethnic regions. According to the authors, the fight against poverty must be multifaceted, for example, to improve the financial service system, innovate financial products, enhance the awareness of integrity, strengthen the information construction of poverty alleviation, and promote linkage mechanisms. These measurements would take time but will for sure make an achievement eventually.

For more information, please visit: http://ojs.usp-pl.com/index.php/fm/article/view/1605
